Thursday, May 3, 2012

46) Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image

the multiple hands show the passage of time and motion.

45) Illusion of Motion by Blurred Outline

with his blurred hands and feet he looks like he is running very fast.

44) Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figure

the clouds, objects, claws, and lines jeting outword create the illution of motion

43) Anticipated Motion

you expect her to hit him and the ball to go into the hoop.

42) Spatial Puzzles (Equivocal Space)

you can't always tell what is on top of what

41) Multiple Perspective

the multiple sets of stairs are drawn from many different perspectives

40) Amplified Perspective

the animal's snout looks smaller and is forshortened because of the amplified perspective.

39) Illusion of Space by Linear Perspective

the rails of the dock created by linear perspective create the illusion of space.

38) Illusion of Space by Aerial Perspective

looks like you are flying

37) Illusion of Space by Vertical Location

the tree trunks get higher on the page as they get farther back.

36) Illusion of Space by Overlapping

parts of the characters are hidden by the other characters makeing the illusion of depth

35) Scale Confusion

the donut is so far away it looks like it is able to fit in the cup

34) Alternating Rhythm

the dark light dark relationship is an alternating rhythm

33) Progressive Rhythm

they progress down the highway

32) Absence of Focal Point

there is no focal point in this photo so your eye wounders around.

31) Degree of Emphasis

first you notice the big pink flower then the white ones behind it then the more blured ones in the back

30) Emphasis by Placement

by placeing him near the center it makes him stand out

29) Emphasis by Isolation (isolation from a visible group)

the man and his dog are away from the group walking

28) Emphasis by Contrast (list type of contrast you select)

the value and the sharpness of the dog makes you look at him first.

27) Crystallographic Balance

has an all over pattern

26) Radial Balance

it looks like a sphere

25) Asymmetrical Balance

the two sides of the photo are not the same

24) Symmetrical Balance

the room is equally balanced on both sides

23) Unity with Variety

even though they are different colors they still belong together

22) Unity through Continuity

continues the same figure

21) Unity through Continuation

continues the line to the leaf

20) Unity through Repetition

repeates the same figure

19) Unity through Proximity

      the dots that are close together are more unified

18) Visual Texture

looks like wood

17) Tactile Texture (properly describe how your image is NOT tactile)

looks wet

16) Value as Emphasis

the lighter eyes stand out

15) Value as Pattern

creates a pattern

14) Curvilinear Shapes

circular shapes

13) Rectilinear Shapes

rectangle shapes

12) Nonobjective Shapes

not a shape that you can define

11) Abstraction

lookks like a man but in a strange way

10) Idealism

makes the person look better than they actually are

9) Distortion

exagerating parts

8) Naturalism

get it as real as possible

6) Line as Value

the more marks in an area the darker the value.

5) Gesture Line

quick marks to ruff out the outline of the hand.

4) Contour Line

the line is only the basic outline of the figure.

3) Line Character

The wood shavings above have a crazy and silly feel about them.

2) Line Direction

your eye follows the line of the dock down to the water.

1) Line as Shape

even if we erase the circle it still looks round.